NAR Flinger, a package installer in a single script

Sample project: Python 3.10


If you want a Python newer than the 3.7 that comes with the project container, here you go. Now you can install things that require newer Python and use new language and standard library features.

Here I’m using the new match syntax from Python 3.10:

import math

import flask

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

def index():
  return flask.send_file('index.html')

def test(command):
  # check this out, match!
  match command.split('-'):
    case ['add', a, b]:
      return str(int(a) + int(b))
    case ['multiply', a, b]:
      return str(int(a) * int(b))
    case ['ln', x]:
      return str(math.log(float(x)))
    case _: