REHeaderv2: khalby786's REHeader, recreated

DOMPurify isn’t really hard to implement, it’s basically just 2 lines of code to add/modify.

  1. Include the DOMPurify script using a script tag.
  2. Call the DOMPurify function, which returns the sanitized HTML.

Ok, I’m just about to go to sleep.

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That is not supposed to happen.
I might have to switch to Jimp

Did you forget to add a link? :laughing:

Yeah, I forgot to add https:// lol

I can see (from the screenshot) that values entered are being added to the main URL as query parameters. While there’s nothing wrong with it, there’s a character limit for URLs, and crossing that limit can (maybe) cause bad stuff to happen.

I think there is a 4k character limit. @aboutdavid should use POST requests.

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Thanks for sharing!

One concern:
Glitch export should be working. Is it working for you now? If not, can you please send me a message at

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Sorry to bump this, but like I remade this

^ oh and it fixes that part

and uses markdown-it

and is now foss

don’t bump threads