BinaryHeap Optimization

Hi all,

Just the other day I learnt from an article that binaryheap is a great way to sort through items. After implementing a basic version, I’ve noticed that it is significantly slower then the built-in array.prototype.find method. After binaryheaps inherently slower then just using an array? Or is my task not suited for it?

// Massive thanks to
export default class BinaryHeap {
    public array: any[];
    constructor() {
        this.array = [];

    public left(i: number): number {
        return i * 2 + 1;

    public right(i: number): number {
        return i * 2 + 2;

    public getParent(i: number): number {
        return Math.floor((i - 1) / 2);

    public getMin(): any {
        return this.array[0];

    public insert(task: { priority: number, data: any }): void {

        let i = this.array.length - 1;
        while (i > 0 && this.array[this.getParent(i)].priority > this.array[i].priority) {
            let parent = this.getParent(i);
            [this.array[i], this.array[parent]] = [this.array[parent], this.array[i]];
            i = parent;

    public decreaseKey(i: number, val: any): void {
        this.array[i] = val;

        while (i != 0 && this.array[this.getParent(i)].priority > this.array[i].priority) {
            let parent = this.getParent(i);
            [this.array[i], this.array[parent]] = [this.array[parent], this.array[i]];
            i = parent;

    // we need for removing min of heap
    public extractMin(): any {
        if (this.array.length == 1) {
            return this.array.pop();
        // store the minimum value, and remove it from heap 
        let res = this.array[0];
        this.array[0] = this.array[this.array.length - 1];
        return res;

    public extractMax(): any {
        var i = this.array.length;
        //reverse minHeap syst to maxHeap
        while(i) {
            this.array[i - 1].priority = -this.array[i - 1].priority;


        var elem: any = this.extractMin(); //cus we just reversed it, the first elem has the highest priority instead

        //now to revert back to minHeap
        while(i) {
            this.array[i - 1].priority = -this.array[i - 1].priority;


        return elem;

    public deleteKey(i: number): void {
        this.decreaseKey(i, this.array[0] - 1);

    public MinHeapify(i: number): void {
        let arr = this.array;
        let n = arr.length;
        let smallest = i;
        let l = this.left(i);
        let r = this.right(i);
        while (l < n) {
            if (arr[l].priority < arr[smallest].priority) {
                smallest = l;
            if (r < n && arr[r].priority < arr[smallest].priority) {
                smallest = r;
            if (smallest !== i) {
                [arr[i], arr[smallest]] = [arr[smallest], arr[i]];
                i = smallest;
                l = this.left(i);
                r = this.right(i);
            } else {

var heap = new BinaryHeap();
for(let i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
    heap.insert({priority: i, data: null});    

var startTime =;
var result = heap.array.find(a => a.priority == 0);
var endTime =;
console.log("Array find took " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms");

startTime =;
heap.insert({priority: 0, data: null});
var min = heap.extractMin();
endTime =;
console.log("Heap extractMin took " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms");


Any advice would be appreciated!

are you testing this with it already sorted and with prior knowledge of what priority you want, so that array .find gets it on the first try?

Yeah, I know what priority im looking for. Not sure about it being sorted though.

the other thing is your array version doesn’t remove the one it finds