Discord Ban mega-thread! (Discord bot / Something took too long to do)

Most bots will be online because there on a different host then you remember that.

Hey folks we had a couple of banned hosts that have now been recycled. Sorry for the bother!

Happy Glitching!

It cannot come online automatically here because library stopped connecting to discord and throwed error something took long to do. This means bot will not connect to discord api until whole project is restarted i.e after 12hrs (technical restrictions) or unless refresh is ran in console.

Our discord bot project: exo-bot is own for the same errors above, is there anything I or anyone else can do?

Hey @mmoomocowm, your project is not on a currently-banned host. Sometimes Discord bans can be temporary; are you still seeing this problem?

As a reminder to everyone, you can use curl -I https://discordapp.com/api/v7/gateway in your project’s console. If you see anything other than HTTP/1.1 200 OK then there’s some sort of problem; a 429 there means you’re banned.

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Hey there,
Please check this out: "Error: Something Took Too Long" Fix

Project Name: benny-bro-bot
Error: (node:364) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Something took too long to do.
8:21 PM

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Project Name : tobi-bot

Check this out: "Error: Something Took Too Long" Fix

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