wget https://glitch-cli.glitch.me/cli.py
Or by github at 17lwinn/glitch-cli
this command installs the CLI into your project (type help for cmds)! it is a simple python file which can be ran with a shorter command with this method:
- make a bash_profile file
- write the following
alias glitch="python3 cli.py"
so far it supports:
- pushing to github/gists
- zipping the project
- nodifying your project
- setting up .env
- generate simple .prettierrc configuration
uploading your project files securely
there isn’t a way yet to do this, but it can be accomplished.
- zip your project with the ‘pack’ command
- open your site show it shows only files, you can accomplish this with NO HTML files.
- look for ‘app.zip’
- download and navigate to https://send.firefox.com
- upload your file, set expiry dates and passwords etc.
and your done! we hope to add this in later versions.