Hello. My project name is egg-bot and I recently got an error warning me that my disk was almost full. It told me to use git prune; git gc and I did. But it never worked and when I typed it in the console all I got was
error: couldn’t write .git/logs/HEAD: No space left on device
error: couldn’t write .git/logs/refs/heads/master: No space left on device
error: failed to run reflog
If anyone could help me troubleshoot this problem I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
In case you don’t immediately get a good idea where your storage quota is being eaten up, traverse down one of the larger folders and run the disk usage utility.
Hello @MichTheKid, sorry about the trouble you’re having with your project. I can temporarily resize your project which will allow you to run git prune; git gc, but you should also make sure you are either keeping any frequently changing files in the provided .data folder or add their names to a file called .gitignore in the top folder of your project as well to prevent this from happening again. Let me know if you’d like me to resize and I can do that for you today.