Having trouble with localstorage

Hello! I’ve been working on a project similar to StudentCenter recently and one of the biggest problems I had with that was that I constantly needed to update things for people. (You’ll understand more what I’m talking about if you click on the link up there) So this time, I was going to recreate that but use localStorage, so that people could set and save their own data, without me having to do as much work. Well I’m having trouble with that and I can’t get it to work.

What I’m doing right now is putting a little alert there to see if the localStorage actually works, but I can’t get it to right now. When I try to set the user inputs from the text boxes to the local storage, it doesn’t set or I just haven’t done something right. If someone could help that would be awesome.

The project is studentcenterlabs.glitch.me and the file where I’ve run into these problems are create.js and create-an-account.html . Also, if someone could tell me how to put in a code snippet, that would be very helpful. Thanks!

umm, nevermind. I last-resorted to AI and it actually worked.

AI is so good at fixing code! That is really the better last resort then Google! Glad you got that figured out!

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