Hosting Discord Bot - process won't work

Hello guys!

I followed a tutorial on medium on how to host my bot on Glitch. The problem is that when I try to add the token in the configure.json, it says there was a parse error and the process.env is not expected.

If you need me to to show you the ode, please let me know.

I can look at the code, just ask for help :slight_smile:

I have 4 working discord bots.

You stated

when I try to add the token in the configure.json, it says there was a parse error and the process.env is not expected

this sounds like you have tried to add process.env.TOKEN in the configure.json file, instead of using process.env.TOKEN directly in the client.login() function.

I added it in that file. If you like to look at my code, iĺl pm it to you

sure, you’re welcome to send me a pm.