How to block spamming to domain?

The Person (i don’t know who is he) attacking to my glitch website. How can i block attacks? Is there any way to block it?

He is sending too many requestsin 2 mins. So My website is giving error (This project has too many requests)

How can i block it?

Hey @MertBey, if your project is being rate-limited that’s not something you’ll be able to address; since those requests are blocked before they ever get to your project it’s something we would have to address for you.

I’ll message you privately to follow up.

Hey @cori if you could share that informasjon with me or here in chat, since im getting “attacked” aswell with to many request. Please and thank you :slight_smile:

@MertBey indicated that they ended up using CloudFlare to address this - you could take a look at Prevent DDOS of my site to see if what @advaith did might be helpful.

I have the same thing that someone that i know spamming my website because he can’t make a better one how can i solve that? please answer i want my project back so i can resume

Hello, like @cori Cloudflare is a great option. (they have blocked about 500k DDoS requests for me!)


I’m not using cloudfare yet on my domains, I bet I should start using it before someone tries to DDoS me.

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