It’s a programming language coded 100% in javascript, on Glitch. All projects are stored in localStorage, and if it gets enough users, I might implement the ability to share projects.
I had my hopes up, but you can’t really do anything with it. This might be a little brutal, but the syntax is too basic to the point I had to squint to tell apart a variable from the syntax itself.
And you can’t nest loops or conditionals, so there’s not much to do besides counting up or down.
Contrary to the website, it’s almost certainly not turing complete, I don’t think I could implement a turing machine even if I really tried.
There’s only so far parsing with regex and .split can take you… I recommend looking into an algorithm like recursive descent, I used it so much I chose it as my username.
random 1 100 as hidden
set done as 0
while {done} < 1
ask "guess?" as guess
if {guess} < {hidden}
out "too low"
if {guess} > {hidden}
out "too high"
if {guess} = {hidden}
out "correct"
set done as 1
looks really cool, but i’m getting this error when trying to run any code:
ReferenceError: interpret is not defined
Also, you might consider using something else other than localStorage for storing code, since localStorage has a limit of 5mb. Alternatives would be, for example, IndexedDB (idk if it also has that limit), hosting your own db, or using a cloud provider.
hi, i was actually making some changes while you encountered that error, it should be running now – i fixed the bug with nesting if/while blocks.
you can now put if blocks inside of other if blocks
for the db part: i’m actually planning to add signup/login functionality soon but right now i’m mainly focusing on making the language stable and to add all of the essential features.