Im unable to find bootstrap

maybe I’m too new in Glitch, but I’ve installed Bootstrap on my project (with the package manager) and I don’t know where can I find the files so I can include them on my code. I dont see them between the files of my project, nor can find them with the terminal
I Know I can refer to the bootstrap page, but I woldn’t like to depend on an external font
Can anyone help me?

Hi there! I’ve not set up Boostrap in an app before using npm, but if you’re doing it that way it means they should be inside the node_modules folder which we hide from the editor sidebar but show in the terminal. If you look in the terminal and run ls in the root of your project folder, do you see a node_modules folder? Inside should be a Bootstrap folder and within that are the files you can manually load if you need (they go a little bit into this in the Package managers section of their Download doc - “You can manually load Bootstrap’s plugins individually by loading the /js/dist/*.js files under the package’s top-level directory”).

Thanks a lot, I’ve find it :slight_smile:

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