Lost recent changes to my project

I made some changes to my project – uvi.glitch.me – on Friday that have disappeared. Turns out that’s a big deal in this case and I’m anxious to find out if it’s recoverable somehow. (It’s a paid/boosted project, in case that matters.)

Thanks for any help!

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check if it is in your archived projects.

Negative. It’s just the changes from Friday(ish) that disappeared; not the whole project.

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contact support@glitch.com

@dreev, can you try rewinding your project?



I had this happen too, but luckily only lost small changes. Sorry to hear about your case!

Whenever I make some changes I now open the terminal and run git add . && git commit -m "m".


Also lost changes I made to one of my projects recently, rewind does not have it saved either unfortunately.

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Hi there!
One of my projects got reverted once and the Glitch team got it back in about 24 hours via email support@glitch.com or Happyfox. Please don’t edit the project as this may push backups from Glitch’s server. Contact the team ASAP and allow them 24-48 hours for them to get back to you :slight_smile:


UPDATE: I don’t know if the Glitch gods intervened but my project is back to normal!

(I was not having luck with the rewind feature earlier, maybe due to the partial outage / degraded performance of the editor.)

Side note: [moved to “Pretty please prioritize paid plans”]


With this particular issue, that I have experineced before, the whole project, including rewind, gets reverted

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Update: this just happened to another of my projects – http://chaosgame.glitch.me – which lost the changes from the last day-ish.

I’ve confirmed that the Rewind feature doesn’t help. :frowning:

Email the email listed above or open a support ticket. Support will get back to you by the next business day.