My Glitch hosting doesnt become active (Solved)

Ok great, this helps!

A couple of things:

  1. you’ve got the debugger running, and that can mess things up. To turn it off you’ll want to click the stop-sign-ladybug button: image
  2. Glitch projects will continue trying to start until they see something listening to whatever port is represented by process.env.PORT (typically 3000, but it can change under some circumstances). The easiest way to accomplish this is to add a little Express to your app, something like what’s going on in this project. If you add something like that to your index,js file Glitch will see that your app is listening and will stop trying to restart. Listening for something at (which is what this does) will also give you something to point UptimeRobot or something else at to keep your bot running for longer than the 5 minute auto-sleep window.

After you sort these things out are you still having trouble getting your bot running?