Parser error on Typescript in code editor


I get an parser error on Typescript in the code editor, seems strange that Glitch doesn’t support Typescript. I’m getting a parser error on a: in the below snippet

let adder = function(a: number, b:number) {
return a + b;

Can I use the code editor for Typescript?


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That error comes from our linter. It won’t affect the way your project executes. If you’re using TypeScript, you will have to set up a compilation step in your project - you can’t just use it with the default Node setup.

Here’s one such compilation setup you can remix:

Thanks for getting back to me, I used the tsc command in the console to compile this one file. Just didn’t get why the linter of the code editor wasn’t tackling TypeScript syntax.
I would like to refer our community to Glitch demo’s for explaining Node.js && TypeScript with Highcharts. Then it would be nice to get rid off the parser error messages. Glitch is awesome btw, thanks!!

I literally spent 3 hours trying to figure out what was wrong with my configuration before finding this. I’m not angry, just tired. Respectfully, you guys should work on that. Typescript is standard these days.