Possible to view logs from a back while?

When I have my project opened I can see the logs in Activity Logs but recently I am having some issue with my project, (frequently restarting)
And I am trying to investigate the cause of this problem.
So I tried to check the logs when my project went off… (I didnt have the project link open atm i.e. the glitch project link)
but when I open the project I can only see the new logs.

Is there any way to have a look at the old logs ??

And all these happened within 20 minutes.

Only recent logs are shown in the editor. Going forward you can look into using something like Winston for logging to a file - Jenn has created a starter project, which logs stuff you call from the winston logger instance but it might help - see https://glitch.com/edit/#!/starter-winston

Surely will have a look. Thanks for providing it.