I get a very long output which looks not like a guild object, but more like the bot itself and even contains the bot token which I replaced with “” here:
{ events:
{ guildCreate: [ [Object] ],
direct_mention: [ [Object] ],
mention: [ [Object] ],
[ [Object],
[Object] ] },
{ token:
<my bot token>,
Client {
_events: [Object],
_eventsCount: 46,
_maxListeners: 10,
options: [Object],
rest: [RESTManager],
dataManager: [ClientDataManager],
manager: [ClientManager],
ws: [WebSocketManager],
resolver: [ClientDataResolver],
actions: [ActionsManager],
voice: [ClientVoiceManager],
shard: null,
users: [Collection],
guilds: [Collection],
channels: [Collection],
presences: Collection [Map] {},
user: [ClientUser],
readyAt: 2019-10-14T11:26:37.821Z,
broadcasts: [],
pings: [Array],
_timeouts: [Set],
_intervals: [Set] },
hostname: '',
logLevel: 'info' },
tasks: [],
taskCount: 0,
convoCount: 0,
my_version: '0.6.21',
my_user_agent: null,
memory_store: { users: {}, channels: {}, teams: {} },
tickDelay: 1500,
{ yes: /^(yes|yea|yup|yep|ya|sure|ok|y|yeah|yah)/i,
no: /^(no|nah|nope|n)/i,
quit: /^(quit|cancel|end|stop|done|exit|nevermind|never mind)/i },
{ spawn: Ware { fns: [] },
ingest: Ware { fns: [Array] },
normalize: Ware { fns: [Array] },
categorize: Ware { fns: [Array] },
receive: Ware { fns: [Array] },
heard: Ware { fns: [] },
triggered: Ware { fns: [] },
capture: Ware { fns: [] },
format: Ware { fns: [Array] },
send: Ware { fns: [] },
conversationStart: Ware { fns: [] },
conversationEnd: Ware { fns: [] } },
excludedEvents: [],
excludeFromConversations: [Function],
ingest: [Function],
normalize: [Function],
categorize: [Function],
receiveMessage: [Function],
{ teams:
{ get: [Function: get],
save: [Function: save],
delete: [Function: delete],
all: [Function: all] },
{ get: [Function: get],
save: [Function: save],
delete: [Function: delete],
all: [Function: all] },
{ get: [Function: get],
save: [Function: save],
delete: [Function: delete],
all: [Function: all] } },
hears_regexp: [Function],
changeEars: [Function],
hears: [Function],
on: [Function],
trigger: [Function],
startConversation: [Function],
createConversation: [Function],
defineBot: [Function],
spawn: [Function],
setTickDelay: [Function],
startTicking: [Function],
shutdown: [Function],
startTask: [Function],
tick: [Function],
setupWebserver: [Function],
worker: [Function: botDefinition],
userAgent: [Function],
version: [Function],
logger: { log: [Function: log] },
{ [Function]
emergency: [Function: bound log],
alert: [Function: bound log],
critical: [Function: bound log],
error: [Function: bound log],
warning: [Function: bound log],
notice: [Function: bound log],
info: [Function: bound log],
debug: [Function: bound log] },
debug: [Function: bound log],
hears_test: [Function],
{ evaluateTrigger: [Function],
identify: [Function],
getScripts: [Function],
createScript: [Function],
getScriptById: [Function],
getScript: [Function],
validate: [Function],
beforeThread: [Function],
before: [Function],
after: [Function],
run: [Function],
get: [Function],
getById: [Function],
runTrigger: [Function],
testTrigger: [Function],
compileScript: [Function] },
RichEmbed: [Function: RichEmbed],
Attachment: [Function: Attachment],
handleMessageRecieve: [Function: newMessageHandler],
Timeout {
_called: true,
_idleTimeout: 1500,
_idlePrev: [TimersList],
_idleNext: [TimersList],
_idleStart: 51556,
_onTimeout: [Function],
_timerArgs: undefined,
_repeat: 1500,
_destroyed: false,
[Symbol(unrefed)]: false,
[Symbol(asyncId)]: 14,
[Symbol(triggerId)]: 1 } }