Problem with pnpm

Hello Glitch!

I can’t install diriagents/klasa. I got this error when i try:

$ pnpm install discordjs/discord.js dirigeants/klasa --save
A store server is running. All store manipulations are delegated to it.
Installing a flat node_modules. Use flat node_modules only if you rely on buggy dependencies that you cannot fix.
Resolving: total 15, reused 13, downloaded 2
 WARN  discord.js@12.0.0-dev requires a peer of @discordjs/uws@^10.149.0 but none was installed.
 WARN  discord.js@12.0.0-dev requires a peer of bufferutil@^4.0.0 but none was installed.
 WARN  discord.js@12.0.0-dev requires a peer of erlpack@discordapp/erlpack but none was installed.
 WARN  discord.js@12.0.0-dev requires a peer of libsodium-wrappers@^0.7.3 but none was installed.
 WARN  discord.js@12.0.0-dev requires a peer of sodium@^2.0.3 but none was installed.
 WARN  discord.js@12.0.0-dev requires a peer of zlib-sync@^0.1.4 but none was installed.
 WARN  klasa@0.5.0-dev requires a peer of discord.js@github:discordjs/discord.js#master but version 12.0.0-dev was installed.
Packages: +7
Resolving: total 15, reused 13, downloaded 2, done
 ERROR  EINVAL: invalid argument, readlink '/rbd/pnpm-volume/3499c303-e556-4fe8-bf23-3bede622295a/node_modules/klasa'
app@lupus-bot:~ 03:16 

Thank you!

From the error log there seems to be an issue with diriagents/klasa

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to resolve it.

We recommend installing packages by listing them in your package.json file, rather than installing them manually. Do you still see the error if installed that way?

It sounds like it might be modifying the node_modules directory, if you’re still having problems then you could try running enable-npm, which will use npm instead of pnpm. Though note that node modules will then use up project disk space.

FWIW I’m also hitting this exact issue, seemingly introduced through botkit/discord. I’ve only gone down the route of editing the package.json and honestly until a few weeks ago it’s been running for 1 year+ just fine.


Welcome to the forums @bnb. Please refrain from bumping (posting on a thread that has not been active since 1 Month)

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