[Resolved] Login & Signup not working with Google or GitHub option

We are currently investigating an issue that is causing the screen to go blank after attempting to Login or Signup for Glitch while using the Google and GitHub options.

We will post updates at http://status.glitch.com as we find out more.


I’m new to glitch. When I try to sign up using GitHub account and then it shows just blank page. Can anyone tell why?


Hey there, welcome to the Glitch community! Can you try clearing your cache/using an incognito tab? If that doesn’t work, you can email support@glitch.com.

I have this same issue as well, any help would be greatly appreciated

Same issue. I jost got locked out and cant access my account now. :joy:

vouch just tried logging in with github.
did all the tricks in the book from clearing cache to burning the keyboard.
once github has done its part we’re redirected a url like this: https://glitch.com/signin/github?code=redacted but it doesn’t do anything after that it’s just a white page.

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:eyes: @tasha There’s a typo in the status page link.


I have been trying to link my github account and my google account when trying to create a Glitch account however whenever that happens I always end up with a blank page and nothing further happens.

Hey there, welcome to the Glitch community! Can you try clearing your cache/using an incognito tab? If that doesn’t work, you can email support@glitch.com and they’ll be able to help you out further.

I tried doing that and I get the same result - a blank white page where I can take no further action

I think there is a problem right now. I got locked out because Github auth doesnt work, rip

Yeah. It’s a fake security popup page of sorts.

The link for status should be status.glitch.com, don’t go to gltich.com (its phishing!!)

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I also tried email magic link option. I am getting “Send a temporary code to your email.” and I don’t receive code

Maybe a typo? @dsingh44

Yes, it’s a typo. I’ve let them know above.

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Thanks! just fixed that.


it tried many times.

Hey @tasha, it looks like fine for me now. I just logged in with Github but it was very slow. (Takes more then 20+ seconds.)