Vue.js CLI + Express.js Fullstack skeleton webapp

Project URL:
Remix Link:!/nl-vuecli

I have setup a skeleton webapp for Vue.js CLI and Express.js. Feel free to remix this project and create cool projects on glitch.


  • This is a simple skeleton webapp, with Vue.js as the front-end that is located in /client directory
  • This uses Express.js as the server. The express route handler redirects the front-end routes to Vue-Router. It uses the ‘connect-history-api-fallback’ module to handle any url misses due to the app being an SPA
  • Designed to handle server API’s under ‘/api/’ directory

All in all, this is just a skeleton you can use to remix and make Vue + Express full-stack projects on


Thanks, I was looking for something similar. I’m surprised I didn’t see this earlier though.

Neato! I’m gonna check this out!

Sorry to bump this topic, another note: this might be even more awesome because the api directory is used by Vercel for serverless functions but when using Vue Router, the Vercel configuration gets overridden, so this is actually really nice.

Thanks again for creating this!


Hi, is there a readme for how to remix e.g. change the vue app and rebuild / redeploy on glitch?

according to the package.json, the vue app rebuilds every time the project is started (the start script is run).

yep, I see. Sorry, newb to glitch dev

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