Whenever I react to an embed, It sends double messages. DISCORDJS

I have a waifu command where it gets an image and a name and puts it in a embed, it also then reacts with the :sparkling_heart: emoji. I wanted to make it so the first person who clicked the emoji would claim the waifu.

const { Client, MessageEmbed, ReactionCollector} = require('discord.js');
const {
} = require('../../config');
const superagent = require('superagent');
const {
} = require('body-parser');

module.exports = {
    name: 'waifu',
    category: 'waifu',
    description: 'Random Waifu',
    usage: `${prefix}waifu`,
    perms: 'Send Messages',
    cooldown: 5,
    run: async (bot, message, args) => {

        const rating1 = 10
        const rating2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * rating1)
        var rating = rating2

        const decimals1 = 100
        const decimals2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * decimals1)
        var decimals = decimals2

        const compatibility1 = 100
        const compatibility2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * compatibility1)
        var compatibility = compatibility2

        const {
        } = require("../../Database/WaifuNameDB.json")

        let randW = Math.floor(Math.random() * Object.keys(waifuID).length)
        let randomWaifu = waifuID[randW]

        let embed2 = new MessageEmbed()
            .addField("Claims:", `${randomWaifu.claims}`)
            .addField("Rating:", `${rating}.${decimals}/10 โญ`)
            .setImage(`${randomWaifu.img_url}`, innerHeight = '500', innerWidth = '500')
            .setFooter(`| Powered by: @Twintails๐ŸŽ€ API `, `https://64.media.tumblr.com/1a1c3bcc08b5a048b90139a56fe7f415/tumblr_o9ku1rVS8z1vnqjx7o2_250.png`)

        var mg = await message.channel.send(embed2);


        bot.on('messageReactionAdd', async (reaction, user) => {
            if (reaction.mg) await reaction.mg.fetch();
            if (reaction) await reaction.fetch()
            if (user.bot) return;
            if (reaction.emoji.name == "๐Ÿ’–") {

                message.channel.send(`${randomWaifu.names} was claimed!`)

            if(user = message.author) return;


It works, but if for example I do /waifu, it sends the embed and says (waifuname) was claimed, but whenever I do /waifu again, everything is the same, but when I click the react button, it says that the previous and the current waifu was claimed.

(Umaru Doma was the previous waifu I rolled)

It also gives an error:
(node:9964) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: DiscordAPIError: Unknown Message

Please help if you can!

I think it has something to do with the message.delete().

didnโ€™t seem to fix anything

Try replacing mg.delete() with message.delete().

1 Like

Didnโ€™t work :c

your var mg = await message.channel.send(embed2); is not set up correctly and in turn is using message.channel.send(embed2) witch will resend your embed twice. hope this helped and sorry this is late

1 Like

omg, thanks!!!

How would I fix this? Whatโ€™s wrong with the mg?

Okay here JavaScript comes, so whatโ€™s the problem? Like what is current behavior and whatโ€™s the expected behavior?

the only reason I know this is because I ran into the same problem in my code. Im still getting help form some of my friends and I will respond when I get a responce. Sorry about that. I will respond when I get answer.

try to put the var witch I would suggest changing to let or const somewhere else like in a if statment. my code that I am having a problem with I cant move anything because im also using a embed but cant move the embed for that will cause another problem and I cant move my mg react because it is on a .then so if you are able to move it into a if statment that should fix it. if not try adding it to a else statment. Hope this helped

Ok, thanks, ill try that.

Another way to fix I would to just get ride of the code that sends the embed in the first place and use your var mg = await message.channel.send(embed2); for both sending the embed and then also making it a var agin you should change this to let or const.

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I changed most of my code, so can you tell me what to remove and what to keep?

const {
} = require('discord.js');
const config = require('../../config.json')
const talkedRecently = new Set();

module.exports = {
    name: 'waifus',
    category: 'waifu',
    description: 'Random Waifu',
    usage: `${config.prefix}waifu`,
    perms: 'Send Messages',
    aliases: ['w', 'waifus'],
    cooldown: 5,
    run: async (bot, message, args) => {

        try {

        if (talkedRecently.has(message.author.id)) {
            message.channel.send("**Wait 3 seconds.**")
        } else {

            const rating1 = 10
            const rating2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * rating1)
            var rating = rating2

            const decimals1 = 100
            const decimals2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * decimals1)
            var decimals = decimals2

            const {
            } = require("../../Database/WaifuNameDB.json")

            let randW = Math.floor(Math.random() * Object.keys(waifuID).length)
            let randomWaifu = waifuID[randW]

            let embed2 = new MessageEmbed()
                .addField("Claims:", `${randomWaifu.claims}`)
                .addField("Rating:", `${rating}.${decimals}/10 โญ`)
                .addField("Anime:", `${randomWaifu.anime}`)
                .setImage(`${randomWaifu.img_url}`, innerHeight = '500', innerWidth = '500')
                .setFooter(`| Powered by: @Twintails๐ŸŽ€ API `, `https://64.media.tumblr.com/1a1c3bcc08b5a048b90139a56fe7f415/tumblr_o9ku1rVS8z1vnqjx7o2_250.png`)

            var mg = await message.channel.send(embed2);


            bot.on('messageReactionAdd', (messageReaction, user) => {

                if (user.bot) return;
                const {
                } = messageReaction;

                if (emoji.name === "๐Ÿ’–") {
                    if (!message.id === mg.id) return;
                    if (message.id === mg.id) {

                        let claimarray = [
                            `**${user.username}** claimed **${randomWaifu.names}**! ๐Ÿ’•`,
                            `**${user.username}** drove off with **${randomWaifu.names}**! ๐Ÿš—`,
                            `**${user.username}** loves **${randomWaifu.names}**! ๐ŸŽ†`,
                            `๐Ÿ’–**${user.username}** and **${randomWaifu.names}** are now married! ๐Ÿ’–`

                        let claim = Math.floor(Math.random() * claimarray.length)
                        let randomclaim = claimarray[claim]

                        if(messageReaction.count < 2) return; 

            setTimeout(() => {
                // Removes the user from the set after a minute
            }, 3000);

    } catch (err) {


add await in front of mg.react(โ€˜:sparkling_heart:โ€™) and also go into all of your code it looks like you have more than one folder and fine were u send the embed2 for the first time. because if your getting 2 responses your getting one from you await and one from something else and just altogether get rid of the first one

you havenโ€™t said if it worked or not so im going to explain a little more. This is my code.
channel.send( <@&738598824385445938> <@&738597461597356053> \n ${message.author} application, exampleEmbed);
and after that is my
var msg = await message.channel.send( <@&738598824385445938> <@&738597461597356053> \n ${message.author} application, exampleEmbed); and after that is my msg.react(โ€™โ€™)
What i ended up doing is removing my channel.send( <@&738598824385445938> <@&738597461597356053> \n ${message.author} application , exampleEmbed);
and kept my message await witch also sent the message. the only problem was then my reaction wouldnโ€™t send so in front of your mg.react you need to add await mg.react witch should send it and fix your code. sorry that this is so long and I hoped it worked. -Carson

I havenโ€™t got to testing it out yet but thanks!