Workman package manager- WIP for python3

workman… your alternative to PIP

What is it?

This is a python package manager hardcoded for and with python3, it uses wget to grab the packages from and decompresses them client-side.


this will install the manager into your project

you can uninstall by typing (while in workman) the command ‘forget’

How to install packages with workman
  1. run
  2. type install
  3. type the EXACT PACKAGE NAME!
  4. workman does the rest, decompresses etc.*
help & support?

I won’t take any responsibilty for damages caused by someone elses work, but ideas, bugs and feedback are welcome by PM!

Uploading packages

We currently only allow project members to add packages to our library, but we can add it for you if you want!

uninstalling packages will be added soon! reply and watch this space!


xent is available!

  2. install
  3. xent

what are the features of that package manager as there’s pip?

I think workman could become a very successful program. Maybe you could make custom packages the include glitch.json files?

it is an alternative to ‘pip’, it grabs the zip files of that package from the server and decompresses them client-side.

we could! or example programs

i mean we have got to find a way of deleting the package and all the things associated with it. Like a gitignore.

plus im going to try and make a .workrc file for configuration and environment variables

Isn’t that what pip already does but with .wheel?

yes, but we utilise it as a way of distributing packages

it is easier and faster

Pip does the same, doesn’t it?

Workman installs and decompresses packages, we are yet to add uninstallation functionality

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wait a sec, xent is on a package manager???

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also, winn, check dms

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will do!

Xent is available as a package on workman

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also, a little update, I am working on a script to make it more “globally friendly”… more or less make it function like nvm, or rvm, adding their dist folder to the path…

it will also compile the python file into one nice and tidy binary file that can work on any machine that runs linux!

this will also allow for global package installations, something i think a lot of people will favor!

EDIT: here is our beloved script, but it is not yet done, i am going to tweak workman a lot overnight, to see if i can do a parody with the script.

for those of you wondering what i mean by parody, i mean that workman uses the stuff the script creates to the fullest, and has efficiency while doing so.

EDIT 2: here is a script to run the script to install a script :wink:
curl | bash -

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Great job @Jonyk56!