Ability to change the Waking Up/Preparing screen

Thanks for clarifying - so yeah, hopefully the new more neutral Loading page design will be less of an issue for you once it’s in place.


Okay, thanks! Also, I find that the page refreshes a lot when loading/intializing too, is there anyway to stop that since some users may have a bad internet connection and it could appear as an issue for them.

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We’ll also be removing that in the new design!


c: Thanks for your help. I’m glad the refresh will be removed as it was quite annoying.

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Well I mean, you could always go with basic HTML.

<!DOCTYPE html>
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It won’t work like that! I’m talking about the built-in Glitch loading screen.


I’m aware, they can make it possible to add a file like _glitch-config.json and add a value "loading": "./static/load.html" and add the file


Ooh, I’ve not heard of that before. I’ll check it out later.

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Im saying this in general, they should make it like that so users have more control over it

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Ah,I see. I hope they do release something like that in the near future! :slight_smile:


Me too! We can upvote it though!


Alternatively, if we are not allowed to customize a loading screen, could you give the user a bit more context by using a “snapshot” of the site. A tiny image you could blur or something to almost lazy load the site. https://css-tricks.com/the-blur-up-technique-for-loading-background-images/


Is it possible to have a custom site that is shown when Glitch is waking the site up? If yes, how would I do that?

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Hey @r00ster91, welcome to the Glitch forum!

We don’t currently support this, and it’s not in our immediate priorities, so I can’t say when we might; sorry for the bother!

You might find Custom loading screen on Glitch projects interesting, and in fact I’m going to move your post over there. Fel free to add your vote!


Would doing this work?

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It doesn’t. As @ArtifexYT pointed out later on, this is just an idea.

Im saying this in general, they should make it like that so users have more control over it


If you have a custom domain, you could program some middleware to show a webpage while checking in the background via socketio/ws/ajax if the glitch server is online through pinging and checking the content sent(you can easily view the source of the loading screen and program something to guess if it’s the glitch loading screen). When the loading is done the middleware will send a message to all loading screens to refresh and stop intercepting data sent through it.

This will also be possibly with ihack’s reverse proxy which I can’t seem to find the thread for

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You can create this file in the glitch.com project and then move it through the console? Is not it?

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What @ArtifexYT was showing here was just an idea for Glitch, you cannot actually do it.


Well that’s right! (sorta, but I wouldn’t expect it to work)

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