Bot didn't run correctly / won't run

My discord bot isn’t working / didn’t startup correctly

Here is my Index.js:

var express = require(‘express’);
var app = express();
app.get("/", (request, response) => {

const {Collection, Client, Discord} = require(‘discord.js’);
const fs = require(‘fs’);
const bot = new Client({
disableEveryone: true
const config = require(’./config.json’)
const prefix = config.prefix

bot.commands = new Collection();
const TOKEN = process.env.TOKEN;
bot.aliases = new Collection();
bot.categories = fs.readdirSync("./commands/");
bot.prefix = config.prefix;
bot.user.setActivity(🚀 Rocket Lit Grow!,{type: ‘WATCHING’})
console.log(‘Bot is ready!’)
bot.on(‘message’, async message=>{
if( return;
if(!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
if(!message.guild) return;
if(!message.member) message.member = await message.guild.fetchMember(message);
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if(cmd.length == 0) return;
const command = bot.commands.get(cmd)
if(!command) command = bot.command.get(bot.alieses.get(cmd));
if(command), message, args)

is there any errors in your logs?

no, it suppose to send “bot is ready” in the log but it doesn’t send it and the bot is offline

Did you set the file.js in your package.json file?

I was actually making a feature, and then suddenly when I tried to run it, it doesn’t run. My other bot still work perfectly.

Pada tanggal Sen, 27 Apr 2020 16:33, SplitXPlayZ via Glitch Support menulis: