Can't upgrade Node.js

So obviously, by default, Glitch uses Node.js v10.15.3 and to upgrade node you need to add a little something like this in your package.json file:

  "engines": {
    "node": "version"

However, I can’t upgrade Node.js anything higher than a v12.0.0.

I wanted to use the Optional Operator (?) for some parts of my code which was only implemented in v14+.

FYI, If you go over to the node.js website you can see that the “Current Version” is v14.6.0.

Any fixes? Is this just how Glitch is?

I’m not sure if Glitch supports this version of Node. Can you email as they may be able to add it for you or tell you when they think they will get time to add it :slight_smile:

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