December 12, 2019, 3:11pm
Hey all! I’m sorry that y’all are encountering weird duplicate processes with your projects (like your Discord bots) and apps refusing to wake up.
If you can check right now and see this is still happening, please list the project names in this thread .
I’m currently investigating what is going on, but having your project names will give me something to manually stop and see if the issue persists!
December 12, 2019, 3:22pm
thanks @J-Tech-Foundation ! I manually restarted your project a minute or so ago, can you let me know if the same thing is happening?
Hi kutayyksl!
I took a look, and it looks like you have a discord bot - your Glitch project is not serving a website.
The facts that the editor opens, and files can be edited, and the logs show up, and the command line console works, indicate that this is not the same kind of “project stuck waking up” problem. Maybe ask about it in ?
When i install express, in logs says that theres no Discord.js package but i install Discord.js it says that dont have express
project name: galactic-holonet
error: modules not found (canvas, noblox, etc…)
nate-devbot and natebot-main are affected
~delicate-cyclamen and ~nate-devbot and ~natebot-main look up to me?
also, can you tell us a script we could run to stop this without staff assistance?
J-Tech-Foundation: I am still investigating, and likely any code will simply go out to everyone via the usual software deploy mechanisms; they will probably not be a script like enable-pnpm
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Hi! I have a double node process in my project
Thanks in advance!
Hey @hiroap ,
I took a peek at your app, and see that it seems to be waking up normally. Take a look again, and let me know if you have any questions!