💡 Comment section on project pages

It would be nice, especially for receiving feedback, bug reports, ideas, and announcements without having anything fancy. Of course, this would be disabled by default, maybe the option for the owner to remove certain comments, reactions, idk. It would just be pretty helpful.

Should this be implemented? If you think so, click  Vote button  above!

Yes! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO THIS! (Oh dear, I hear a story coming on)

I recently joined Glitch because Replit made hosting changes that got me really frustrated… HOWEVER, that wasn’t the main reason why I left: Comments went away. It was SO nice having people give constructive feedback, or praise you on your project.

With that said, I would absolutely LOVE comments.


Glitch might argue that moderation would be difficult, but a captcha would be enough to stop spam and a quick profanity check for other stuff. (idk i think openai moderations is free)

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