Create Project Failed - Remix Your Own Failed

Lang Turkey : Her Altyapıyı Remix Your Own Yapmaya Çalıssam Yapmıyor Ve Her zaman
Yeniden Dene Diyor
Lang English : If I Try To Remix Every Infrastructure Your Own, Not And Always
Says Try Again

I’m having a bit of trouble understanding what you are saying, but it looks like you can’t remix a project. How old is your account? Account <72 hours old may have trouble remixing projects.

Less than 72 hours

And I can’t open a new project

Pekala, hesabınız 72 saatin altında olabilir ve bu arıza çok fazla proje yapmanıza engel olabilir. Bunun nedeni, Glitch’te çok fazla spam olmasıdır. Birkaç gün beklemeyi deneyin ve tekrar deneyin.

(oh and in english: Well, it could be your account is under 72 hours old that glitch prevents you from making too many projects. This is because there is a lot of spam on Glitch. Try waiting a few days and try again.)


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