Deleting project button is not there

Delete “dyedeyes” please

Small question @RobinSchapendonk, are you the owner of the Project?
If not, then you will not be able to delete the Project. If you are the owner, ask @glitch_support for more help in deleting your Project. Also note that Project errors will be resolved over time. In fact, all errors will be resolved over time. If you still cannot remove your Project and either @glitch_support has suspended it or removed it. Hope this helps!

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Hi @RobinSchapendonk,

I’m sorry that you couldn’t delete the project. This happened because you were the only project member, but there was no longer a project owner. This is an issue that our team is aware of and will be working to fix.

In the meantime, I have deleted that project for you.

I have a similar problem.
There is no button to delete the project.
As a result, I’ve already created a bunch of projects, but I can’t delete them.

Hi there, the delete functionality has since been removed from projects. However you can ‘archive’ a project from the editor or your dashboard, which is reversable, and if you’d like a project to be permanently deleted, you’ll have to email - bear in mind they won’t respond until after Chistmas.
Happy Glitching :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer.
But why the functionality for deleting projects was cut out, I still did not understand. very strange.