Discord API ERROR. Help me please

Hello, good morning, I need help, it has already happened to me 2 times with my discord bot when hosting it in glitch, what happens I get this error Discord API Error, error 403, telling me that I am prohibited or I understand error 403, my account is @HKane, my project is https://glitch.com/~gtr-35, it is private


10:44 AM

at RequestHandler.execute (/rbd/pnpm-volume/d1ebd268-f6c5-40cb-ad95-e2175c4d166d/node_modules/.registry.npmjs.org/discord.js/12.2.0/node_modules/discord.js/src/rest/RequestHandler.js:170:25)

10:44 AM

at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:88:5) {

10:44 AM

name: 'DiscordAPIError',

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message: '',

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method: 'get',

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path: '/gateway/bot',

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code: undefined,

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httpStatus: 403