Discord Ban mega-thread the second! (Discord bot / Something took too long to do)

This thread should be forgotten.

Definitely not. This thread is important for those whose bots are on banned hosts.


But it’s getting “too big in the tooth”

The discourse limit appears to be 10,000 so we can have something less than 9 times the size of this


my project is getting the same error, ran the line and I’m getting 429.
project name yhkyt-alexa-backup-2

Hello, my project IP banned again

Name: discord-adv

My project is new-lolibot-discord
When using curl on discordapp.com it doesn’t return 429 but when using curl on the new discord.com domain is returns 429 (both with /api/v7/gateway)

Project: westy-bot

Guys I get this error when my bot is constantly on and my bot is not on a banned computer. I do not get the error called “too many requests” and when the bot is opened, although it has a 250k user with 700 servers, when it is opened, it says that it serves 0 users and 0 servers.

I think there is a problem with the token but I renewed it more than 50 times in other bots etc. I tried every possible thing you can think of.

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urgent help please @cori

It’s because of Discord’s Gateway’s new update. (I think so.)


this assumption is correct. I’d suggest enabling all of the new flags immediately.

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If this is the case, it would probably help checking out Discord’s support article explaining this: https://dis.gd/gwupdate. You also need to be whitelisted for the intents to enable them. @Kermit


Hi, @Kermit, as @khalby786 and @Jonyk56 have mentioned, this is caused by Discord’s recent gateway update. You can read about the update here. To resolve this issue, you will need request Discord to whitelist your bot. Please see https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040720412 for more information.


My project, dbb, got banned again.


Project: bad-time

429 on curl -I https://discord.com/api/v7/gateway
200 on curl -I https://discordapp.com/api/v7/gateway

client.on('debug', console.log); prints 429 hit on route /gateway/bot

Project: awr-discord-bot-template

429 on curl -I https://discord.com/api/v7/gateway
200 on curl -I https://discordapp.com/api/v7/gateway

Project-name: ric-remote-services
Returns HTTP429

Does it return 429?

Well yes, that’s why I’ve added it here. Do we have to specify that as well now? My last requests had only the project name. I’ll edit the initial message!

Ok. It’s just to see if your app is banned or your bot doesn’t work :slight_smile:

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