Error 503 first byte timeout

For the past 5 days, I am seeing this error on my glitch project. The same pages, same data, used to work without any issue before that.

This happens on the pages where I am making calls to some APIs which takes some time, making those pages little bit slow. But the API is functioning same as it was earlier, and it used to work consistently since a long time.

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Hey psharma, welcome to the Glitch forum! Glad to have you and thanks for the report.

We’ve had to make a few networking changes in response to some misbehavior on the site and i suspect your project may be impacted unintentionally. Can you write in to with the full information and whatever other details you can provide - when you started to see this behavior would be very helpful, for instance. We’ll take a look to see if some of the changes we’ve been forced into are having unintended consequences.

Cheers, and sorry for the bother!

Thanks. Sent email

this is not yet fixed @cori

appreciate any support here, need to fix this asap

Hiya - we’re looking into what’s going on, but it’s slow going because most of the time your project seems to work fine (we’ll load it, it takes a bit to wake up, and then just… loads) but every now and then it won’t, so finding the right conditions under which it throws that 503 is proving much trickier than you might expect (or hope).

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I get this error every single time I tried to load the page at the /check endpoint

I solved it by returning fastify dependency to version ^4.21.0. The downside is that the Editor keeps asking for an update. Maybe we have to wait for another update (the last version showing on the list of updates is 5.2.1).