Feature Request: simple .db explorer for the default sqlite server

User story:
As a glitch user I am learning how to use .db in my node applications. I find it difficult to use the default sqlite server because I am constantly worried I might be accidentally resetting the .db or creating new ones every time my server.js starts up (which is a lot of times). Also, I can’t check the contents of my .db file without printing out the entire thing.

Why this is needed:
It should be easier to see if you testing/learning glitch app is storing things the way I expect/want it to. As a learning user I need to be able to “check my work”. This is easy in html and css because you just look at the page you’ve created, but not as clear with .db files.

A simple table-view grid-style explorer for .db files used by the default sqlite server. Some kind of editor to be able to view each element in the .db file. maybe edit elements or add rows/columns as another additional feature.

fyi, you can view the current state of your sqlite database by opening the terminal (Tools > Terminal) and using the sqlite3 CLI (if you’ve used sqlite3 as a dependency in your package.json)

This command will enter you into the sqlite3 repl

sqlite3 <path to your db file>

From there you can see what tables are in your db:

> .tables

Say you have a books table. You can use sql to inspect the values (be sure to end the query with a semicolon ;)

> select * from books;

You can quit the repl with

> .quit

If you aren’t sure where you db file is, you can browse your project folder from the terminal using ls -la in various dirs to view all files including the hidden ones.

For example, if your data lives in a hidden dir called .data

ls -la .data