Project URL:
Github: (may be outdated sometimes as i dont like git and dont really know how to automate the deployment to there).
Made a simple, glitch-optimized ftp deployer.
I originally created this for hosting my node projects on evennode,
since all the npm packets for ftp deploying weren’t working correctly for me with glitch or too confusing to setup.
It certainly will be changed at some points, but maybe you can use parts of it to push your projects to a remote dir too.
Hopefully it can be useful for some. well, at least the program flow should be (clear remote dirs, files, create remote dirs, upload files and finish)
Features: clearing remote ftp, uploading project files & env-variables.
It uses
glob to list localfiles,
ftp to upload files and
It also uses fs and dir to work with the files and is based on shitty callbacks and promises for them. you should rather make it truely async using ftp-async or anything else, idk.
theres also no real exception handling, but a promise reject catcher for the module.