How can I export my project directory in my local folder to Glitch?

Hey @chroventer is this along the same lines as the question in Guide for Glitch Git?

Basically you’ll want to follow what Tim posted a while back in Possible to code locally and push to glitch with git?. In short:

  1. set a remote on a local git repository to point to your Glitch project’s repo, including the project’s git token. Both url and token available in the Advanced Options menu
  2. get the code you want to push on a different branch than master because git won’t allow you to push to master
  3. push your new branch
  4. in your project’s console, merge the new branch into master

There are some variations depending on whether you’re starting from a local copy of an exported project or are starting from scratch.

I plan on documenting this process in the help docs better but haven’t gotten to it yet.

There are no api methods that will allow you to upload code to a project, and no current plans to support that, although we may try to make it easier to upload projects in the UI some time down the road.

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