How do I make it so my discord bot can stay online all of the time without the new glitch upgrade thing : ( pls help

Here is some code its working but its always off and i need it to be always on

const Discord = require(‘discord.js’)
const client = new Discord.Client()


client.on(“ready”, () => {
console.log(‘Data.exe Has Started!’)
client.user.setActivity('Bot Zone ', { type: “PLAYING”})


Well, Glitch has to pay for their servers somehow and running a Discord.JS bot 24/7 cost money. You have to pay for:

  • Bandwidth
  • Maintenance
  • Storage
  • Processing Power
  • and more

And that can cost a lot of money.


is thier any other way or no

also will this also apply for websites


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thanks for telling me !

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It will not apply on static sites. Static sites are online 24/7, they will not sleep. A static site is a site which does not have a package.json or any other Glitch-specific configuration files.


I believe they log IPs so they can ban accounts based on a IP.
Also by you making a post (in public) you are admitting that you will make an alt to break the rules.


ok i wont if it violates the rules


You can always upgrade your membership, however. See


I see that you’re just starting to write a bot. That presents an uncommon opportunity. I have a starter example here A new Discord bot starter, no pinging needed that stays online without wasting project hours when the bot has nothing to do.

The drawback though is that you don’t have discord.js caches populated, so you’d pretty much have to write a bot from scratch with that in mind. That’s not something most of the people complaining about this are in the position of doing. But because you’re starting out and haven’t gone crazy with using cached objects yet, I’m specially bringing this up here.

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thanks but do I need to make a whole Entire new code for it or copy and paste?

Probably write new code, since it does not look like an average discord bot to me

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Thanks! to u guys I can make an epic discord bot B )

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Wait but thier is an error and I did not type anything in 0_o

You do have to enter some data in the .env file to get started. Let me know if there’s a problem with the library or relay though.

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thx but also is this illegal or it will get me in big troble?

It’s not illegal. If you develop on a platform on roblox/discord or such, you should’ve probably known of this by now.

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Im kinda new to this coding stuff so dont really say I should know this, im still learning on how to do certain stuff im not no Big brain developer guy but thanks for telling me

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