How does one use MySQL

I don’t know much about backend coding stuff and I just want to add a simple login screen using instructions from this website: Building a simple login form with Node.js - LogRocket Blog
and I don’t know how to implement it and I’m getting stuck on the part where you create a database in MySQL

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Hi there @Jhondoe2122! I looked at the tutorial and it says one of the prerequisties is an already set up MySQL server: “Besides Node.js, you’ll need a MySQL server installed and running. You can use the standalone MySQL installer or server distributions with MySQL built-in, such as WAMP and XAMP.”

Glitch doesn’t support the setup of standalone MySQL servers, so you’ll want to set one up elsewhere or look for a tutorial on login forms using Node and something more lightweight like sqlite.

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Alright, Thank you.

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Just a quick note: For login forms, I highly recommend remixing the Zarran API by @eris.
And you can also use qjson-db for quick & easy storage

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smiles in Deno, Javascript, and Ecmascript

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