Make textarea as big as screen

Hi, I have a textarea:

and, I would like to make it as big as the screen. The white part is where the textarea ends. I would like to fit it to the whole screen. The project URL is

   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;
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Lol thanks.

lol that was super easy;

but you can use this if you want this for divs and stuff like that:

textarea {
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;

Why doesn’t height: 100% work?
I’m going to go update my 200% height canvas right now…


you need to use height:100vh; <–

yeah, I know - why doesn’t height: 100% work? is there a built-in height margin or something?
nvmd, i found this:

100℅ doesn’t always mean 100% of the viewport. The percentage value always depends on the parent container. So it’s safe to use vh (viewport height) and vw (viewport width) values instead.


Textareas can be resized, by the way.

I know that, but I’m not trying to have people resize textareas on their phones.

You can set resize: false in the CSS values to avoid that.

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Mhm, if I didn’t use it, the app would be broken lol