Packages/modules aren't being found

So as you know, there’s been an incident: “Projects loading slowly or not loading at all.

However, I seemed to have ran into another project, after waiting for 2 hours my project editor magically loaded up… then I got this:

So, I replaced the value of let discord = require("discord.js"); with let discord = 'require("discord.js")';.

Then I got this:

So, I think from that alone it’s clear it’s not just Discord.js messing up or something.

I have got same problems. Please fix it.

Try running enable-pnpm in console and see if it fixes this.

It’s an issue that happens during every Glitch outage. Don’t worry about it.

ok i am running now enable-pnpm

I am looking for some alternative to Glitch for hosting Discord bots for free.

Try running enable-pnpm in console and see if it fixes this.

I tried this but still same error. I tried also install npm package using terminal:

Do you mean terminal?