Projects Loading Slowly or Not At All

Editor loads for me now. Website still loads really slow.

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API response was also at like 6K ms

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My project is returning to normal I think the status seems to be going up a bit


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Hey, you can get accurate / up-to-date data at get

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Starts to work again.

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This might be a glitch but does glitch have a dark mode for the loading screen

Probaly not because the font looks incorrect

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API is really high again.

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It has again latency issues

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I’m going through the same thing, right now I thought it was something on time.

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Editor won’t load…

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Glitch is officially being hit by Amazon Servers


i was thinking the same too

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Project down, editor down, waiting for Glitch to notice.

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This Is Dumb Why does this always happen while I’m online

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Glitch should change their providers: Amazon
I hope you do that, if you want a high quality reputation

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Holy Jesus

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One of my projects got hit so hard that it says project not found :joy:


Please switch to a reliable Cloud Service Provider like Digital Ocean ig.

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Hi guys! Is anyone else having a problem accessing the editor and basically just all of glitch? I tried creating a new hello-webpage project and it gave me an error and told me to reload the page, so I did. Now it’s just stuck on “Loading Project”. Not sure what’s going on but just checking to see if it’s on my end or you guys too. :cowboy_hat_face:


There is currently an issue with Project Container Availability. This could be a cause check for status updates here. :smile: