Hello there, I’ve been using wget to download some assets into my glitch project, however, when I tried doing it today for some reason it says it downloaded the file however it doesn’t show me it when I refresh the page.
I’ve tried it 5 times and the total storage of my project keeps increasing, which shows its saving them, however I can’t access them, I’ve looked for them everywhere.
How can I solve this? I need to access the file I’m trying to download so I can add it to a command which doesn’t work without it. My project name is yhkyt-alexa-backup-2. Usually I run the command and get the file after refreshing my page, but it’s been over 5 hours and I still don’t see it.
Hey there, my file name is video0.mp4, I usually change the file name after uploading it, and no I’ve checked everywhere and I got no errors after downloading, I’m not sure what’s wrong, after downloading it says it saved the file as the file name
I don’t think so, I don’t know that person, their not my alt account, I don’t even have one
I did that yesterday when I asked the question and it didn’t work, I just opened my project again and they all showed up?
I’m not sure what happened but after checking the files, its the right video, I’m still confused but it did the job so I’m guessing I did something wrong
I think what happened here is since you already had the video0.mp4 file, it made the other copies have an appended number on them, and since the Glitch container restarted after awhile it forced the project to scan everything again.