Add a node REPL to you glitch project and inspect vars while server is running

Project URL: glitch-zenpoint-repl

A REPL is a development tool that allows you to interact with objects in your code.

You need to remix it in so you have access to the terminal

There’s also a fastify version, linked to from the read me

note: I recenty discovered and fixed an issue where exiting the repl from various contexts wasn’t working correctly. if you’ve included it in your projects, you can update your package.json as follows to pull in the new version - new projects will automatically have the new code

  "glitch-zenpoint-repl": "github:jonathan-annett/glitch-zenpoint-repl#4c960b02b7374bf9c394fd0bc57c74731b9f8f04" 

the difference being the appended version branch, starting from the hashtag. adding that prompts the glitch npm installer script to go fetch that explicit version from github. new projects will get the latest version in any case.


update - removed dependancy on an external module (repl.history) which was throwing out a deprication warning each time.
to upgrade either remove then reinstall the package, remix one of the templates, or change your existing package.json line to

"glitch-zenpoint-repl": "github:jonathan-annett/glitch-zenpoint-repl#9380f5760e57b79dcae25fb7818222871c0cb348"

also forgot to mention the find() command:

find(“someCode”) will search every javascript file in your project for the search string, and print it to the glitch console (not the repl). this so you can use the clickable hyperlinks to find each instance in the editor. try it!

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