All files of my project deleted when I came back from school

I coded a Discord bot on my glitch account which is named duckord-backup. Till yesterday everything was good, when I came back, I saw all my project files got totally deleted :scream: :sob:

Please restore the files asap. Project is there, files aren’t. :sob:

You can rollback your project to a previous state by using Rewind - the two left arrows icon to the left of the Logs button in the editor.

Nothing’s happening when i’m rewinding. It just says “Previewing Rewind”. Can you do it for me?

You have to select the time you want to rollback to and select ‘Rewind Project’.

How do I select the time?

Take a look at this how-to video:

There’s nothing’s here that I can do to rewind.

Please help i’m worried

Looks like your browser doesn’t fully show the project,
Because there has to be at least one file, the :old_key:.env .

I once deleted the .env

Can you force the browser to refresh the editor?

Using CTRL + F5 ( do it at least 3 times ).

Alright done. My project is still having no files. please help.

Ok, we’ve restored the project from a backup for you.

Thanks a lot man! I really like the support.

Hi Gareth, i had the same problem a few minutes ago and some of my friends too, how can we fix it?

Sorry about that. We are aware that some projects are not working correctly after our recent scheduled maintenance. We are working on getting all projects up and running. For the latest, see

Gareth, the glitch status says that all systems are operational but muy files still missing, what can i do?

Let us know your project name and we’ll take a look!

Im mailing the support as it says on the server status post thanks for your help, i really appreciate it

my project deleted T.T

can’t Rewind This is the same situation as this person, plz help.

project URL :!/music-test-bot?path=views/index.html:1:0

  • resolution, Thx help !