Can`t uptime a glitch project

i try to uptime my glitch proejct | Getting error that cant uptime this because its blocked by glitch I have tried with many, if not all, of the Glitch servers block all uptime website, and I cannot make my Discord bot go online 24 hours only. It will be like this when I am in the project :thinking: and I cannot be available 24 hours for it.
What is the solution to this problem, or is there another way to make it online 24 hours? or if u know a good uptime website doesn’t blocked by glitch.

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you can try or Heroku, or even self hosting

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Is there no solution for the Glitch server? :disappointed:

Glitch has banned pinging, sorry.

I’m sorry, but unfortunately Glitch has blocked all pinging services. You could try self-hosting your bot on a Raspberry Pi, buying Boosted Apps, or exploring alternate services like @anon70439135 said, but there is an indefinite pinging ban now.

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