When I clone a project from Github, it just creates a normal project on Glitch. I have tried cloning multiple Github pages and it still does the same thing.
The Github page I am trying to clone is this: https://github.com/TNThacker2015/discord-donuts-1
This is the project it gave me: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/galvanized-transport?path=README.md:1:0
Please can someone help me?
Hey @Coderholic ,
This problem is being currently experienced by many users and they’re being in discussed in the following threads:
I’m making a new glitch project by pressing New Project -> Clone from Git Repo, I insert my link. I’m not getting any error and when the project opens it is not my git project, is another project, I guess some glitch pre-created project. Can you help me add my git project to glitch?
I want to clone a repository but when loading the project I see that it is completely empty and I noticed that there was a message in logs:
Your app is taking a while to stop…
Your app did not stop in 5 seconds, forcing exit.
I do not know what happens, I already gave refresh in console and tried more than 5 times and nothing, i also tried another one but it didn’t work, the same error happened if someone knows please help me !!!
Here i share the repositories for them to try and if it works…
You’ll have to wait for @support_staff ! Instead, you could try import from GitHub!
What does importing from Github mean?
It’s the same as Cloning Using Git Repo. Instead of a git url, all you need is the repo name and follow the instructions:
Hi There,
I had the same problem when I want to clone a github project from the home project by clicking
Create Project and selecting cloning from github
So the solution is when it will create the project, it will be empty so what you have to do?
You go down to Tools
Then Click On
After That you click
It will tell you to write the following user/repo:path so you only have to put is user/repo and it is fine Like HeemPlayz/Glitch-Project (Note: You must no…
Thanks so much, it worked!
1 Like
December 23, 2019, 3:45pm
Hi @Coderholic ,
Thanks for your report! Our team is looking into this now. I’ll provide an update once it is fixed.
January 3, 2020, 3:48pm
Hi @Coderholic @khalby786 ,
This bug has been fixed. You should now be able to use the ‘Clone from Git Repo’ option in the ‘New Project’ drop-down menu.
If it still does not work for you, please let us know!
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