Glitter text, with generator


I have glitter text.

Make your own here

Read all about it and then some in this article: Glitter text

The actual thing is hosted on GitHub pages now, but I spent a lot of time on Glitch this and writing the article. Here are some things I thought while working on this:

  1. the automatic reloading is useful for these visual, non-interactive works
  2. it would be even more useful if you could get it to show something other than the index
  3. the markdown preview is convenient. I was able to write a lot of the article without having to set up a build process
  4. the markdown preview takes a lot of scrolling on longer documents though
  5. being able to upload an asset and use it in markdown is also convenient
  6. the process of adding an image to a markdown article could be even easier if the asset uploader would open a pop-up with the CDN URL so you don’t have to go switching around in the file list
  7. you also can’t preview markdown that embeds images from the project itself. so I had to transfer some files from the project to the assets
  8. there’s no direct way to turn a project file into an asset. you can download them and upload them though
  9. for one part, I had to run a nodejs program on some images. Glitch was able to install that for me and run it
  10. but there’s no direct way to put an input image into the project. you can upload it as an asset and then download it from inside the project though
  11. same for the output, there’s no direct way to get it out. you can move away the package.json to turn the project into a static site temporarily though. or temporarily run your own http server. then you can download the output
  12. I wanted to test on different devices (I didn’t say I wanted to make it work well on different devices, I just wanted see how bad it was), and having a public URL on Glitch made this easy
  13. I used more than one computer in working on this, and being able to log in to my project from anywhere was convenient. Glitch had good availability the entire time I worked on this

This was a good experience. I think it fit well within Glitch’s main features. There are already feature suggestions posted on this forum that I think would make creative work like this even smoother.

I hope this gives you some ideas for how those existing feature requests would be used. Feel free to use some glitter text in your pull request if you implement any of those ideas–they’re SVGs that work fine on GitHub. And keep on being cool.


Wow! I love stuff like this. This is really nicely done, and your technical writeup is pretty amazing. I’ve never seen effects like this done with animated SVG before. Thanks for posting!


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