Goosegrid, a Livecoding WebMIDI Sequencer

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I wanted to share a WebMIDI sequencer that I’ve been working on! It has a grid system where you can arrange and connect cells to quickly make and tinker with looping patterns. Right now it’s primarily meant to connect to other synths or a DAW, but it does make some sound by itself. The interface was made using p5.js.

Hoping to expand on it or build some more web synths to connect it with! I’d love to know anyones thoughts on it or if you’re having any issues getting it to work.


Wow, cool!

1 Like

Yo! Love it! I’d like an instructions page. It’s kinda hard figuring things out


I’m glad you like it! The ? button opens up some basic instructions, but I agree that I need to add to it! I have some updates I’m working on and will include some better text.


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