Help with Parser Error

Hello All, I am trying to upload this code into the script.js in my website and I am getting an error that says “parsing error adjacenct JSX Element must be wrapped in an enclosing tag” right by line 6. I have been looking and I cannot find anything.

Without looking at the code but knowing the error all too well :sweat_smile: - you can only return/render a single jsx element, so if you need to have more than one adjacent you need to wrap them with a parent element. For example if your component was returning


you’d get that error and should wrap them with an element so that one entire element will be rendered:


If you have the parent container and there’s still an issue, share the project URL so we can see. If the project is private, you can have the support team take a look by sending the URL and issue you’re seeing in a Glitch Request here:

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I don’t write jsx, but I noticed, isn’t there a “fake” component to wrap things around?

and yes this is the way

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Yeah you’re totally right and that’s in fact better because if your component was returning, say, two li tags you wouldn’t want to have a div wrapped around them - that’s the reason for <>. Good call out!