Hey, I want to use a domain for my project

I Have a domain dcbw.ml and i also putted in CNAME The given url but still it’s not working

If you haven’t already check it my post on how to add custom domains.

Howdy @InspirusM, welcome to the Glitch forums!

I ran a quick DNS query, and it doesn’t look like your domain has a CNAME record. You can take a look here, but the results looked like this:

|dcbw.ml.||299|IN|SOA|ns01.freenom.com. soa.freenom.com. 1542525478 10800 3600 604800 3600|

As you can see there’s no CNAME or A records.

In your case since you’re using the “apex” domain (just the base domain name instead of something like glitch.dcbw.ml) you’ll need an A record pointing to the IP address of the shw.io domain you got when you added the domain in the Custom Domain section. Our help docs have some information that might help explain things.

Also @charliea21’s tutorial can help if you’re trying to hook things up without using the Custom Domain feature - those directions will still work fine.