How to setup glitch in order to use @vue/cli and all it's commands

I want to setup glitch in such a way that I can use vue ui and npm run serve and npm run build properly. Is it possible to do this?

Thank you.

Build and serve, etc., should all work out-of-the-box. If you wire up npm run start to call build then serve, you can have Glitch do them automatically. vue ui might be a bit different. It launches a web server.

Ideally, you would only have one server running since Glitch traffic can’t go to more than one port. As a result, your development and production workflows on Glitch might require you to implement some logic to check what environment you’re in, if you want to try to do this all automatically.

I would put something along the lines of if [ "${NODE_ENV}" == "development" ]; then npm run vue ui; else npm run build && npm run serve; fi in your start script.