I can't stop Error log (/opt/watcher/app-types/node/start.sh: line 43: 526 Killed node server.js)

Error log

a minute ago
Jump to
/opt/watcher/app-types/node/start.sh: line 43: 1098 Killed node server.js
6:01 PM

a few seconds ago
Jump to
/opt/watcher/app-types/node/start.sh: line 43: 1121 Killed node server.js
6:01 PM

a few seconds ago
Jump to
/opt/watcher/app-types/node/start.sh: line 43: 1152 Killed node server.js
6:01 PM

a few seconds ago
Jump to
/opt/watcher/app-types/node/start.sh: line 43: 1183 Killed node server.js
6:01 PM

a few seconds ago
Jump to
/opt/watcher/app-types/node/start.sh: line 43: 1206 Killed node server.js
6:02 PM

a few seconds ago
Jump to
/opt/watcher/app-types/node/start.sh: line 43: 1237 Killed node server.js

I can’t stop this error.

Please teach how to stop this erorr.

*This error occurred eternally after I started to use webworker

It looks like your project is using too much memory. But let us know the project name and we’ll take a look. If your project is private, either make it public temporarily or DM me a join link so we can view the code. Thanks.

Thank you for your reply.
My project name is “school3”.
And I copied school5,school7, school11 from school3 by remix
Probably this error is to due school3.

You’re using too much memory. So the first thing to do is identify what’s using it up. You can do this by disabling one part of you project at a time, and look how ram usage changes. Follow this rule until you identified the lines of code that take up all that ram.

IAs I calmed down, I saw it,
When initializing array data, I used a large memory.
I commented out that part and it worked normally.

The part of the problem is
/ *
for (var j = 0; j <wy / 16; j ++) {
datA.push ([]);
for (var i = 0; i <wx / 16; i ++) {
datA [j]. push ([]);
for (var b = 0; b <wy / 16; b ++) {
datA [j] [i]. push ([]);
for (var a = 0; a <wx / 16; a ++) {
datA [j] [i] [b]. push (0);
} * /

This was it.

Thank you for your advice.